16 October




05 October

Chung said FIFA election the presence of rigged the danger

Candidate for FIFA president Chung Mong-joon said in a statement yesterday, the election of the FIFA President dangerous "black box operation".

Chung Mong-joon has repeatedly Comprare fifa 16 monete stressed that regardless of whether the new FIFA president elections can proceed as scheduled, fair and transparent reform of FIFA is to test whether the success criteria. Only fair Cheap fifa 16 coins and transparent elections because it may redeem the FIFA corruption scandal severely damaged reputation.

The former FIFA vice-president said in a statement: "More and more signs that the current situation is because some of the so-called information 'confidential', 'unknown message source' deteriorated election in secret operations of danger. in. "

63-year-old Chung is South Korea's Hyundai Heavy Industries Group, the buy cheap Fifa 16 Coins controlling shareholder, former South Korean Football Association President, within any success will bring the 2002 World Cup in Korea. FIFA president in an election next year, on February 26, the main rival Chung Mong-joon of UEFA president Michel Platini.